Thursday 29 May 2014

Boobs! Or nudity and SL or Self-Righteous and SL

I wasn't sure how to start this post. Well I'll start with telling that as a photographer I care about the looks of the avatars I take pictures of. I care about the shape being soft, something that is now being fixed by mesh hands, feet, full bodies etc. I care about the skin not to look fake and like in someone came with big sponge of powder and smashed into the poor actor's face. So on with textures, hair and fashion. The more realistic the better in my taste.

I'll continue this post and say.. SL is about freedom. Freedom for us to live and do as we please, within the boundaries of not hurting each other. The freedom starts with our avi in my opinion. We choose the colour of our skin, hair, eyes, high, whether to be human or not and we choose what to wear and what not to wear. Like I told to a friend on the grid, I will fight for your right to wear ANY boobs you like!

SL, as the artistic place that it is having the people in it uses that freedom in endless ways. My friends and I used it in the shape of little photo challenges, such as water themed picture, You Can Leave You Hat On, Wings... We all take pictures on the subject and we push the limits. Nudity, sexy, collage. No winners, just pure fun on our sl facebook paged. Into that lovely community of friends who share this came along a person a few weeks ago. It started with the You Can Leave You Hat on Challenge. My lovely friend was wearing nothing but a fireman's hat hiding his uuum front. That person said "those" picture were NOT her style. We wrinkled our nose at her rudeness. My friend deleted her comment (Facebook is not democracy).

Later on the rudeness continued with commenting on albums by posting her own pictures on the same theme as screaming: "Hah! I did that before you See?". Again ignoring the rudeness till the critics came. Oh then our little fellowet photographer got a piece of the minds of a few people. Continuing with her approaching bloggers in need for free advertisement (Who does that?) asking them to post about her studio. Till the record of rudeness was broken.

Condemning in public bloggers posting nude/revealing clothing calling it: "slapperwear" - dressing like a whore and calling it "fashion". and "Ok SL bloggers, tarty, looking like you are dressed to go out to sell your body is NOT fashion". Well my dear critic little annoying co photographer, where do I begin?

Maybe with the small fact that an avi is a cartoon? May with the bigger fact that what other people wear or not wear is none of your damn business? I think I'll go with what the hell is your problem? That others use their freedom and wear and do what they want in sl? You don't want to know avis that use the freedom SL is providing that is your right, but your words. The thing that we are in sl use to present ourselves and I mean the person behind the avi, is words. Let me give you a look on what went through my mind reading YOUR words from the first time I noticed your vivid personality:
A. What a self-righteous person to dare comment on a nude picture saying it's not "her style"
B. What an ego on her... criticizing other people's work.
And C. I'm horrified to think what kind of a person you are in real life. Are you the one saying a girl or a woman deserved being attacked because they were "dressed to go out to sell their bodies"?

I almost felt sorry for you when a friend on Facebook got the subject out in a very angry status quoting you. But then I thought about what I think about the real you. Why should I show mercy to you, when obviously in rl you're lack of exactly that... Mercy.

On both:
Eyes - IKON Promise Eyes – Fjord

Skin - LAQ Alva Peach 01 LAQ Main Store

On the top:
Hair - ARGRACE Fedora Hat "Glamorous wavy" ~ (Red)

On the Bottom:
Hair - TRUTH HAIR Selma -  reds
Pose - Focus Poses Horse Girl 2 - Only on the MP


  1. and here i thought i was very nice and kept my temper when i ranted :(
    * laughs *

  2. *laughs* you were one hell of and inspiration! ♥♥♥
