Monday, 4 August 2014

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting

This past month have been hard. I lost a friend to cancer, a war going on in my country, family problems and more. Trying to use SL as my escape wasn't working very well... 
Relationship ended in a bang, friendship ended with a silent boom, as I'm not sure it was friendship in the first place and a few more things that got me to yell STOP.

One of my precious memories in SL used to tell me about sl: "sex, drama and lag that is all there is to it and nothing more" I see the people that treat it that way and I envy them at times. If I was like them, maybe escaping to sl would have worked better for me.

Well here are my conclusions from this piece of sl experience I was having... 
SL is not a democracy. Treat it that way and you'll be disappointed. It is a dictatorship runs by a company that say: "Kill each other for all I care. Oh? You want rules? *sighs* hold on... LEGAL DEPARTMENT!!! THEY WANT RULES...... Here *rolls eyes* some TOS for ya.. Happy now? good, now give me your money and go play with the other children".
In that sense we work in sl. Each on his/her own to walk this grid under their own compass of right and wrong. I think it's a universal thing right and wrong, so when someone do something that is wrong he/she will suffer the consequences. Well at least I hope..

Friends list is not a democracy. If I added/was added by someone it was for a reason. If I deleted/was deleted by someone, again, it was for a reason. I'm learning the hard way to choose my friends, as we all do. I am lucky to have amazing people in my life (both of them) and was unlucky to have some horrible people in my life (both of them) as well. But at the end of the day, it's my choice to push someone that was doing me wrong out.

A game for which you must participate even when not in the mood, not able to, simply want to do something else, but on a schedule to be on, is no longer a game. 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting: 
There are so many quotes of smart (and not so smart) people about friendship and love. But come on? Are they really apply in sl? Isn't it obvious? Friends WILL hurt you and love in sl is NOT the love of your life. BUT.. those friends that will hurt you... Them being friends, means they will say sorry and will try to fix it. 
That love, might not be the love of your life, but if someone care for you and want to spend time with you. Isn't that fun?

Dream in sl. play in sl, get hurt in sl. If those that hurt you will try to fix the problem, keep them.. They are the ones that worth it.

Yeah so what? So I used a quote from the book of Proverbs... I'm quotes kinda gal...

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